Absolutely - and it's evil what the establishment is doing to (try to) mask the racial hatred against white people and Jews.

We must stand together and speak up! Thank you for having the courage to do so.

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I know we have both been vocal about this issue for several years. Awareness was growing at an excruciatingly slowly pace, but October 7 and its aftermath have accelerated awareness. Maybe the momentum is with the side of truth now. Hope and faith spring eternal.

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Frankly l'm becoming tired of everyone being labelled a terrorist, an anti-semite, a racist or any other pigeon-hole term that is trending. This kid clearly had mental health issues that were not being addressed properly.

It's gotten so bad teachers, social workers, police officers and even the courts are so fearful of being labelled, they are afraid to say what needs to be said or do what needs to be done.

Whoever wrote those three reports and thereby failed to prevent these deaths, deserves to be sued into oblivion.

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I can understand being repulsed by labels. But since they are commonly used and people love tonclassify and sort, we should notice and care when agents of the establishment apply these labels with obvious political bias, to manipulate and obfuscate rather than clarify. Systemic anti-whiteness is a problem and needs exposing. Strong anti-white beliefs motivate Muslim gang rapists. They motivate this psychopathic child. They are being spread by western schools and institutions, and governments are allowing in millions of immigrants from tribalistic cultures with anti-white belief frameworks. This is a recipe for violence and social disintegration.

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Well, he sure takes an interesting portrait. No upside to treating hostiles with kid gloves, is there?

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