Jun 19Liked by C.C. Harvey

Excellent piece! A very comprehensive look at this issue. Will repost on X and share on FB.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

The ultrazionist movement is so insane that one of its followers assassinated Rabin for almost reaching a (real) peace deal with Arafat in the 1990s.

Netayahu, primary beneficiary of Rabin's assassination, openly admitted on USA national TV, conservative William F. Buckley Jr.'s show "Firing Line" in the 1980s that "Israel was founded by terrorists".

Jimmy Carter wrote a book on Apartheid in the West Bank, detailing its evils.

Several Israeli military and govt. leaders have publicly called for the complete extermination of the Arab population (which includes Christian Arabs).

I read about half your article, and skimmed the rest. I saw no mention of the insane tribalism of ultrazionist extremism.

As such, you have less credibility in your critique of the t0x1c cargo cult zombies on the "woke" left, which is the same problem that AIPAC and other zionist lobbyists in the USA have.

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Jun 20Liked by C.C. Harvey

Netanyahu meant terrorism against Britain, then the regional colonial power. And whatever Netanyahu meant by it, not everyone agreed then or now with the strategy. Furthermore, many Israelis spent 6 months protesting, in the streets, day after day and night after night, their right-leaning government up until Oct. 7. You read too much propaganda. Israelis are people with different opinions about how to run things and vote for people for various reasons, just like anyone in a democratic society. You might also argue that Israeli Arabs (or Palestinians of Israeli citizenship, as they are sometimes referred to) are the only Arabs in the Middle East who enjoy any kind of democratic rights.

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classic deflection by a mentally dysfunctional AIPAC b0t. predictable but unfortunate.

you can't dispute objective facts, so you attempt to deflect with irrelevant bullshit.

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Harsh! But hey, you do you, dude.

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Count Folke Bernadotte certainly was neither British nor acting on their behalf when Jewish Zio-terrorists assassinated him in 1948. He also wasn't the only Honest Broker and peacemaker they murdered.

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It will or is here in the usa & it is being allowed by politions & Hollywood giving them the label of special interests status & they make up words like Islamophobia that we in America can't say anything against what they are doing to this country! It's a race/political war that our generation will not let them get away with what they are doing!

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Jun 20Liked by C.C. Harvey

Obaid Omer, a sel-descrived ex-Muslim, has a podcast called Dangerous Speech. There is a good interview with Asra Nomani on it.

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What we need is to declare the TDSB a protected group, wrap them in a protective casing and remove them from society. What libtards.

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The TDSB is infested with progressive Leftist Jewish policy setters. Neither you nor the OP of this piece can have it both ways.

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I have no love for progressive leftist jewish policy setters. The progressive left and whatever demographic composition makes up their numbers should be removed as far as possible from policy setting.

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That would be considered an anti-Semitic act in most quarters, including the Zionist one. Do you see now how this scenario has been set up to the advantage of one group, whilst always keeping the other on the back foot? Gentiles just can't catch a break.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

I see your point. And yet, it is an excuse and would require appropriate messaging. I have no problem getting rid of the TDSB. They are not ALL jews, are they? They are mostly liberal indoctrinated marxist gentiles as you say.

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