Jun 26·edited Jun 27

The radical left is destroying Germany as well.

A German woman gets more jail time than the "migrants" rapists she "offended":


Women's rights used to come first with the left, and not so long ago (remember the "me too" movement?)...but women's rights have been kicked down the list to be replaced with Islamists' rights and the LGTB/trans cult's rights (these two gangs cancel each other, giving the left a lot of migraines due to cognitive dissonance).

So now, to the radical left, it has become perfectly acceptable for women and girls to be raped as long as they are raped by brown people, preferably muslims and illegal migrants (we are supposed to call them "undocumented" so as not to hurt the feelings of these lawbreakers), or by biologically intact males who claim to be "women" (in prisons).

Regarding these matters, I need to say something that might not be intellectually profound but that is honest and deeply felt: fuck the radical left.

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“ Very, very few people who are turned down for the refugee claims are actually deported. Some may even leave voluntarily, but we have no way of checking it. We don't control departures. We have no record. Some may actually be deported, but these are usually cases where there is something about the person which presents a threat to Canadian security. “

“ We are already playing a significant role in international terrorism funding. We have 50 terrorist organizations of a variety of descriptions here, and a good number of those are the so-called the world class ones.

There is the perception internationally that we in Canada are simply not meeting our obligations on the level of counterterrorism, in the sense that we are allowing organizations of a terrorist nature to fund terrorism worldwide; that we are seen as a place to come for recruiting and indeed for planning and organizing, as the Ressam case itself demonstrated. “

Nice write up CC. I did not hear a peep about the ISIS trio in Mississauga however, I see very little MSM. So many institutions are just so incompetent in the name of Diversity.

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